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��� Between the cells of the conduction system and working myocardium are close contacts in the form of nexus, so excitation arising in one area of the heart, performed without attenuation (without decrement) in the other. The speed of propagation of excitation from the atria to the ventricles is 0.8-1.0 m / s. Going through the atrioventricular node, the excitement is delayed by 0.04 seconds. Further, the spread in the bundle of His and Purkinje fibers, the excitation covers the muscles of the ventricles at a rate of 0,75-4,0 m / s.
9th annual Immediate Method Autumn Workshop
Kobe University October 25th,
Tamagawa Gakuin University (Tokyo) November 1st
Please find below some information about the 9th annual Immediate Method Autumn Workshop, which will be held this year in two locations, at Kobe University on October 25th and at Tamagawa Gakuin University (Tokyo) on November 1st.
Thanks to our host universities, the IM Autumn Workshop is free of charge. The optional dinner party will be around 3000 yen.
If you are interested, please register as early as possible, by e-mail:

Also, if you can help spreading the word about this workshop, we’ll be more than happy to provide you with leaflets / posters that can be inserted into colleagues’ university mailboxes, distributed at a JALT chapter meeting, posted in a meeting room, given to a friend, etc.
Looking forward to seeing you there!
Bruno Vannieu
Immediate Method Autumn Workshop
The Immediate Method is a simple and powerful conversation classroom management technique that was created in Japan in response to several challenging situations: (1) large classes; (2) low levels of language ability and motivation, and (3) the reticent classroom behavior of Japanese learners.
Its primary objective is to have the students learn to speak in two-way, real-time communication; in short, to take part in spontaneous, free flowing conversations. Born in the context of university-level French conversation classes, it has been successfully applied to conversation teaching in English, German and Japanese at various levels.
The Immediate Method (IM) Autumn Workshop is an annual event that brings together foreign language teachers from all over Japan to learn and exchange ideas about conversation teaching.
It is organized by the Research Group for Teaching Conversation in Japan and the School of Languages and Communication, Kobe University.
10:00 – 12:00
- Le point sur les techniques et les manuels existants
- Les projets des annees a venir : presentation et lancement des projets Moodle "Conversation" et "Methode Immediate".
- Harmonisation des baremes de notation pour la simulation de l'apres-midi
- Discussion
13:00 – 15:00 Simulation class
For the duration of this class, participants will take on the role of learners of a language other than English. This is a practical and fun way to experience the IM from the learner’s perspective and at the same time be introduced to the teaching techniques and tools that make the IM work, including the new computer-based "Pair Generator" application.
There will be ample time for questions and discussions.
15:15 – 15:45 Short presentation
Cultural codes and conversation teaching: How to break the barrier of silence in class
15:45 – 16:15 Moodle project
Presentation and launch of the Immediate Method Moodle projects.
16:30 – 17:30 Panel discussion
"Stretching the IM parameters to fit one's situation".
18:00 – 20:00 Dinner party (optional)
Relax, talk, drink and eat at a nearby restaurant.
more information and Registration
Immediate Method workshop in Nara
Nara, July 19th, 2009
Nara JALT proudly presents Marc Sheffner and Konrad Bayer, and their combined experience and expertise with the Immediate Method.
What is 'immediate' about the method? Come and find out, it'll be hot, the room will be air conditioned and these guys put on a good show! What more can I say.
Tezukayama Gakkuenmae Campus. 2pm-5pm
A linguist by education and personal history, Marc learnt French from his mother, English from his father, and has taught himself other languages since then, with varying success. He came to Japan with the Black Ships, and is now full-time at some university in Nara he can never remember the name of.
A musician by education and necessity, Kory decided to become an English teacher rather than an employee of a fast food restaurant. He has taught English in Canada, Korea, and Japan. He is currently working at 5 universities in Kansai. He plays in a rock band and writes music with a few friends.
The 2 presenters will introduce the Immediate Method, developed in Japan by French teachers several years ago. They will show how they use it in their university language classes (although the method is also used in JHS and SHS). What is "immediate" about this method? Simply, the instructor drills the class in a small number of grammar and lexical items that are grouped around a central theme and, after allowing some time for independent practice, the instructor then "tests" students individually or in small groups by requiring them to "immediately" use what they have learned in conversation.
The developers of this method have created textbooks to be used with it, but it is possible to use this method with other textbooks or no textbook. The presenters will describe how they use this method both with and without the official textbook.
The presenters have been using this method for ages, at least two years, and have used it both with the IM textbook and with other (required) texts. They have used the method with both English majors and with non-majors, in small (15 students) and large (50 students) classes. They will report the successes and problems they have encountered using this method, and ways they have adapted it.
As long as nobody asks any long questions, we can all be finished early and go out for a drink afterwards!
Contact me for further info, I'll find someone who knows.
Catriona Takeuchi
Nara JALT Publicity
JALT International Conference 2008
Tokyo, November 1st - 3rd, 2008
Short Forum: Sharing experiences of the Immediate Method
Sunday, November 2nd, 9:15 am - 10:15 am
Room 310, National Olympics Memorial Youth Center, Tokyo
During this roundtable discussion, teachers who already use the Immediate Method will share practical tips on testing and grading, time management, pragmatics teaching, and other aspects of their experience. We hope to see you there!
8th Immediate Method Autumn Workshop
Kobe University, November 23rd, 2008
The Immediate Method (IM) Autumn Workshop is an annual event that brings together foreign language teachers from all over Japan to learn and exchange ideas about conversation teaching.
It is organized by the School of Languages and Communication of Kobe University and the Research Group for Teaching Conversation in Japan.
10:00 – 10:45 |
The pragmatics of conversation: Break the barrier of silence |
10:45 – 12:00 |
Simulation class: Basic Russian. Discover the Immediate
Method as a student. |
12:10 – 12:35 |
Testing: Different types of in-class tests / Grading tests |
12:35 – 13:00 |
Group management: Techniques for pair work and group work |
14:00 – 15:30 |
The IM in different contexts
Poole Gakuin University
Tezukayama University
Kobe University |
16:00 – 17:00 |
Round table discussion: The stages IM teachers go through |
17:30 – 19:00 |
Dinner party (for those who want) |
more information and Registration
JALT Pan-SIG conference
in Kyoto on May 11th
Workshop: How to understand, manage, and teach
cultural codes in
conversation class
Bruno Vannieu
Sunday, May 11th, 14:00 - 15:45 (90 min.). Room Z20
Cultural codes related to conversation differ widely between Japan and
the West. In a conversation class, this fact can pose two problems: (1)
the class itself doesn’t run smoothly, (2) most students don’t sound
proficient when they speak English, even though they have acquired a lot
of grammar and vocabulary.
Some fellow teachers and I have been working for the past nine years on
how to practically integrate this issue in conversation class
management, focusing primarily on lower levels.
Rather than giving an abstract description of the approach we have
developed, I will give a short simulation class in a language other than
English. Participants will be in the position of learners and thus will
be able to experience this class management technique from the inside.
Its rationale will be explained in short sections at key junctions of the workshop, and there will be time for questions and answers.
Immediate Method Tokyo Workshop
in Tokyo on December 9th
- Did you miss this year’s Immediate Method Autumn Workshop in Kyoto ?
- Would you like to take part in a similar event ?
Here is your chance !
The 7th annual Autumn Workshop, held at Kyoto University on the 3rd of November, was a great success. Since the response we had from teachers was so good, and we understand that traveling to the Kansai area can be difficult for many Kanto-area teachers, we are organizing a half-day training workshop in Tokyo on December 9th.
The number of participants is limited to 30. Please register early !
more details and registration form
Access Map

2007 JALT International Conference
Tokyo, November 23rd - 25th
Workshop: Introduction to the "Immediate Method"
Bruno Vannieu | Friday, November 23, 16:45 - 17:45 (60 minutes). Room 308
The “Immediate Method” is a simple and powerful conversation classroom management technique that was created in Japan in response to a challenging situation: (1) large classes; (2) low levels, (3) cultural classroom behavior style of Japanese learners. Its sole objective is to have the students learn to speak in a two-way, real-time communication: in short, to take part in conversations. Born in the context of French university conversation classes, it has been successfully applied to the context of English conversation teaching.
I will briefly explain the fundamentals of the method, show a class video, and proceed with a simulation class in which participants will be asked to take on the role of learners of a language other than English (for about 20 min.). We will then discuss the different aspects of this approach, mostly from the practical side (time management, etc.).
Short paper: Teaching conversation in junior high school
Scott Brown |
Friday, November 23, 14:25 - 14:50 (25 minutes). Room 407
I was introduced to the “Immediate Method” five years ago and have been conducting my classes in this way since. The key element of this class management technique is that students are frequently interviewed in small groups or individually, and receive a score based on their oral performance. This is done during class-time, which requires a good organization and efficient time management considering the very short JHS lessons: 50 min. on average. However, the results are there to reward the teacher’s efforts: students do speak in class, in an interactive way. On a global level even unmotivated classes are driven by a new dynamic. Students get a sense of satisfaction from being able to participate I actual conversations, even if they are short ones.
I will share my experience with fellow teachers in a condensed manner : after explaining the fundamentals of the methods, I will show a video taken in my class and answer a few questions from the audience.

The Immediate Method: Getting Students Speaking
Kyushu ELT Expo on December 2nd, 2007 (Sunday)
Seinan Gakuin University, Fukuoka
The “Immediate Method” is a powerful classroom management technique designed in response to the problems of 1) large classes, 2) low ability and motivation, and 3) student reticence in university classes. While the IM does have an associated text, the presenter will show how it can be effectively used with other texts.
Type of teachers presentation is aimed at :
Teachers of low- to intermediate-level university and/or senmon gakko classes
Presenter : David Latz
Brisbane-born David Latz has been teaching in Japan since 1999. He has been using the Immediate Method in university and senmon-gakko classes since April, 2007. His main research interest is pragmatics.

IM Autumn Workshop 2007 | Labo d’Automne MI 2007
IM Autumn Workshop 2007
Kyoto University – November 3rd, 2007
The Immediate Method (IM) Autumn Workshop is an annual event that brings together foreign language teachers from all over Japan to learn and exchange ideas about conversation teaching. Over the past seven years, we have held the Workshop at venues such as Osaka University, Kyoto
University and Rikkyo University, and introduced many teachers to the IM and its possibilities.
more details and program
VIIe Laboratoire d’Automne de la Méthode Immédiate
Université de Kyoto – 3 novembre 2007
Le Laboratoire d’automne est une rencontre d’une journée qui permet aux participants de recevoir une formation à la Méthode Immédiate et d’échanger leurs expériences avec des collègues.
La matinée est consacrée à une formation systématique à la méthode, dans sa globalité.
L’après-midi, des enseignants qui pratiquent la Méthode Immédiate donnent de courtes présentations sur leur expérience de classe. Les participants posent des questions et font des suggestions. La méthode est examinée à travers le prisme de multiples contextes pédagogiques.
第7回 会話教育研究会
京都大学 2007年11月3日(土)
午前: イミディアット・メソッドの理念と実践方法に関する研修会
午後: イミディアット・メソッドの実践報告や意見交換会
Access Map & Hotels | アクセス方法・ホテル情報 |
Registration & Inscription | 参加申込
Emailの場合は、氏名、電話番号、住所、所属学校、参加予定項目を教えてください。 |
Proceedings of the 5th Immediate Method Autumn Workshop
Actes du 5e Laboratoire de la Méthode Immédiate
第5回 会話教育研究会論稿集
A4 / 104pages / 2005
Research Group for Teaching Conversation in Japan
Groupe de Recherche sur l’Enseignement de la conversation au Japon